@ -7,16 +7,56 @@
import Foundation
public protocol Bet {
//public private(set) var id: String
var theme: String { get set }
var phrase: String { get set }
var endRegisterDate: Date { get set }
var endBetDate: Date { get set }
var totalStakes: Int { get set }
var isPublic: Bool { get set }
var invited: [User] { get set }
var author: User { get set }
var registered: [User] { get set }
/// A class representing a betting entity, including details about the bet theme, participants, and deadlines.
public class Bet: ObservableObject {
/// The theme or topic of the bet.
public var theme: String
/// The specific phrase or question related to the bet.
public var phrase: String
/// The deadline for users to register for the bet.
public var endRegisterDate: Date
/// The deadline for the actual betting to take place.
public var endBetDate: Date
/// The total stakes or amount involved in the bet.
public var totalStakes: Int
/// Indicates whether the bet is public or private.
public var isPublic: Bool
/// List of users who are invited to participate in the bet.
public var invited: [User]
/// The user who created the bet.
public var author: User
/// List of users who have registered for the bet.
public var registered: [User]
/// Custom Constructor
/// - Parameters:
/// - theme: The theme or topic of the bet.
/// - phrase: The specific phrase or question related to the bet.
/// - endRegisterDate: The deadline for users to register for the bet.
/// - endBetDate: The deadline for the actual betting to take place.
/// - totalStakes: The total stakes or amount involved in the bet.
/// - isPublic: Indicates whether the bet is public or private.
/// - invited: List of users who are invited to participate in the bet.
/// - author: The user who created the bet.
/// - registered: List of users who have registered for the bet.
public init(theme: String, phrase: String, endRegisterDate: Date, endBetDate: Date, totalStakes: Int, isPublic: Bool, invited: [User], author: User, registered: [User]) {
self.theme = theme
self.phrase = phrase
self.endRegisterDate = endRegisterDate
self.endBetDate = endBetDate
self.totalStakes = totalStakes
self.isPublic = isPublic
self.invited = invited
self.author = author
self.registered = registered