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using Model;
namespace IHM;
public partial class ChangePassword : ContentPage
public Manager Mgr => (App.Current as App).Manager;
private string MailUser;
public ChangePassword(string mailUser)
MailUser = mailUser;
private void ValidationButton_Clicked(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (EntryNewMdp.Text == null || EntryNewMdpConfirmation.Text == null)
AffichError("Champ non valide", "Veuillez remplir tout les champs", "OK");
else {
if (!EntryNewMdp.Text.Equals(EntryNewMdpConfirmation.Text))
AffichError("mot de passe non identique", "veuillez entrer des mots de passe identique", "OK");
Mgr.changePasswordBdd(MailUser, EntryNewMdp.Text);
AffichError("mdp changé", "mot de passe bien changé", "ok");
private async void NavigateTo(string path)
await Shell.Current.GoToAsync(path);
private async void AffichError(string s, string s1, string s2)
await DisplayAlert(s, s1, s2);