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continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing Details

Alexis Drai 2 years ago
parent b340fc7aab
commit 630ffa55f2

@ -37,11 +37,13 @@ First, in Visual Studio's terminal ("Developer PowerShell"), go to *DiceApp/Sour
dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef
dotnet tool update --global dotnet-ef
Now the migrations and DB. Since we have a `DbContext` *and* and `DbContextWithStub`, you will need to specify which one to use. Make sure you are in *DiceApp/Sources/Data*.
Now the migrations and DB. Since we have a `DiceAppDbContext` *and* and `DiceAppDbContextWithStub`, you will need to specify which one to use. Make sure you are in *DiceApp/Sources/Data*.
dotnet ef migrations add dice_app_db --context DiceAppDbContextWithStub (OR 'DbContext' if you want an empty DB)
dotnet ef database update --context DiceAppDbContextWithStub --startup-project ../App (OR 'DbContext' if you want an empty DB)
dotnet ef migrations add dice_app_db --context DiceAppDbContextWithStub
dotnet ef database update --context DiceAppDbContextWithStub --startup-project ../App
Replace `DiceAppDbContextWithStub` with `DiceAppDbContext` if you want to launch an app with an empty DB.
You can now run the *App* program, and check out your local DB.
You may not want to read tables in the debug window -- in which case, just download [DB Brower for SQLite](https://sqlitebrowser.org/dl/) and open the *.db* file in it.
