[Overview](#overview--big-picture) | [Documentation](#documentation) | [Prerequisites](#prerequisites) | [Getting Started](#getting-started) | [Features](#features) | [What we have now ?](#what_we_have_now) | [Screen Capture](#screen_capture) |[Usage](#usage)| [Built With](#built_with) | [Known issues and limitations](known_issues_and_limitations) | [Contributors](#contributors) | [How to contribute ?](#how_to_contribute) | [License](#license) | [Acknowledgments](#acknowledgments)
## Overview / Big picture
This project is a ....
## Features
Banquale is a mobile banking application built using .NET MAUI technology for the Android platform. This application provides users with a simple and intuitive way to manage their finances, including viewing account balances, transferring money and more.
## Documentation
## Getting Started
Documentation and information about 'Banquale' are available
2. Open the **'Banquale.sln'** project in Visual Studio 2022
3. Set the startup project to Banquale.Android
4. Select the emulator you want to use or connect your phone
5. Build and run the project
## What we have now ?
## Features
* View account balances and transaction history
* Transfer money between accounts
* View and manage account
## What we have now
The application is functional but the color is not good and the design is not finished. All the C# code is not commented and the documentation is not finished.
1. Clone it (<https://codefirst.iut.uca.fr/antoine.perederii/Banquale/fork>)
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b feature/featureName`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin feature/featureName`)
5. Create a new Pull Request
## License
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the [LICENSE.md](LICENSE.md) file for details.
print("Bonjour, monde!")
SAÉ 2.01 Développement d'une application Le projet est une app mobile de Gestion Bancaire. PEREDERII Antoine, LOUVET Titouan
## Acknowledgments
This project was inspired by our mobile bank app, the need for a modern and user-friendly mobile banking application. Special thanks to the .NET MAUI community for their contributions and support.