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title: Creation of the form
Open the `Pages/Add.razor` file and edit the following file:
```cshtml title="Pages/Add.razor"
@page "/add"
<EditForm Model="@itemModel" OnValidSubmit="@HandleValidSubmit">
<DataAnnotationsValidator />
<ValidationSummary />
<label for="display-name">
Display name:
<InputText id="display-name" @bind-Value="itemModel.DisplayName" />
<label for="name">
<InputText id="name" @bind-Value="itemModel.Name" />
<label for="stack-size">
Stack size:
<InputNumber id="stack-size" @bind-Value="itemModel.StackSize" />
<label for="max-durability">
Max durability:
<InputNumber id="max-durability" @bind-Value="itemModel.MaxDurability" />
Enchant categories:
@foreach (var item in enchantCategories)
<input type="checkbox" @onchange="@(e => OnEnchantCategoriesChange(item, e.Value))" />@item
Repair with:
@foreach (var item in repairWith)
<input type="checkbox" @onchange="@(e => OnRepairWithChange(item, e.Value))" />@item
Item image:
<InputFile OnChange="@LoadImage" accept=".png" />
Accept Condition:
<InputCheckbox @bind-Value="itemModel.AcceptCondition" />
<button type="submit">Submit</button>
* The `EditForm` component is rendered where the &lt;EditForm&gt; appears.
* The model is created in the component code and kept in a private field ( itemModel ). The field is assigned to the `Model` attribute of the &lt;EditForm&gt; .
* The `InputText` component ( id="display-name" ) is an input component for modifying string values. The `@bind-Value` directive attribute binds the `itemModel.DisplayName` model property to the `Value` property of the `InputText` component.
* The `HandleValidSubmit` method is assigned to `OnValidSubmit`. The handler is called if the form passes validation.
* The Data Annotations Validator (`DataAnnotationsValidator`) attaches support for validation using Data Annotations:
* If the form field &lt;input&gt; is not populated when the Submit button is selected, an error is displayed in the validation summary (`ValidationSummary`) ("The DisplayName field is required.") and `HandleValidSubmit` is not called.
* If the form field &lt;input&gt; contains more than fifty characters when the submit button is selected, an error is displayed in the validation summary ("Displayed name must not exceed 50 characters.") and `HandleValidSubmit` is not called.
* If the form field &lt;input&gt; contains a valid value when the Submit button is selected, `HandleValidSubmit` is called.
## Form code
Open the `Pages/Add.razor.cs` file and edit the following file:
```csharp title="Pages/Add.razor.cs"
public partial class Add
public ILocalStorageService LocalStorage { get; set; }
public IWebHostEnvironment WebHostEnvironment { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// The default enchant categories.
/// </summary>
private List<string> enchantCategories = new List<string>() { "armor", "armor_head", "armor_chest", "weapon", "digger", "breakable", "vanishable" };
/// <summary>
/// The default repair with.
/// </summary>
private List<string> repairWith = new List<string>() { "oak_planks", "spruce_planks", "birch_planks", "jungle_planks", "acacia_planks", "dark_oak_planks", "crimson_planks", "warped_planks" };
/// <summary>
/// The current item model
/// </summary>
private ItemModel itemModel = new()
EnchantCategories = new List<string>(),
RepairWith = new List<string>()
private async void HandleValidSubmit()
// Get the current data
var currentData = await LocalStorage.GetItemAsync<List<Item>>("data");
// Simulate the Id
itemModel.Id = currentData.Max(s => s.Id) + 1;
// Add the item to the current data
currentData.Add(new Item
Id = itemModel.Id,
DisplayName = itemModel.DisplayName,
Name = itemModel.Name,
RepairWith = itemModel.RepairWith,
EnchantCategories = itemModel.EnchantCategories,
MaxDurability = itemModel.MaxDurability,
StackSize = itemModel.StackSize,
CreatedDate = DateTime.Now
// Save the image
var imagePathInfo = new DirectoryInfo($"{WebHostEnvironment.WebRootPath}/images");
// Check if the folder "images" exist
if (!imagePathInfo.Exists)
// Determine the image name
var fileName = new FileInfo($"{imagePathInfo}/{itemModel.Name}.png");
// Write the file content
await File.WriteAllBytesAsync(fileName.FullName, itemModel.ImageContent);
// Save the data
await LocalStorage.SetItemAsync("data", currentData);
private async Task LoadImage(InputFileChangeEventArgs e)
// Set the content of the image to the model
using (var memoryStream = new MemoryStream())
await e.File.OpenReadStream().CopyToAsync(memoryStream);
itemModel.ImageContent = memoryStream.ToArray();
private void OnEnchantCategoriesChange(string item, object checkedValue)
if ((bool)checkedValue)
if (!itemModel.EnchantCategories.Contains(item))
if (itemModel.EnchantCategories.Contains(item))
private void OnRepairWithChange(string item, object checkedValue)
if ((bool)checkedValue)
if (!itemModel.RepairWith.Contains(item))
if (itemModel.RepairWith.Contains(item))
You can now add a new item, if you return to the list when your new item is present.
## Concept: Form and validation
### Built-in form components
The Blazor framework provides built-in form components to receive and validate user input.
Inputs are validated when they are changed and when a form is submitted.
The available input components are listed in the following table.
| Composant dentrée | Rendu comme… |
| ----------- | ----------- |
| InputCheckbox | `<input type="checkbox">` |
| InputDate&lt;TValue&gt; | `<input type="date">` |
| InputFile | `<input type="file">` |
| InputNumber&lt;TValue&gt; | `<input type="number">` |
| InputRadio&lt;TValue&gt; | `<input type="radio">` |
| InputRadioGroup&lt;TValue&gt; | Groupe denfants InputRadio&lt;TValue&gt; |
| InputSelect&lt;TValue&gt; | `<select>` |
| InputText | `<input>` |
| InputTextArea | `<textarea>` |
For more information on the InputFile component, see [ASP.NET Core Blazor file uploads](
All input components, including EditForm , support arbitrary attributes. Any attribute that does not correspond to a component parameter is added to the rendered HTML element.
Input components provide the default behavior to validate when a field is changed, including updating the CSS Field class to reflect the state of the field as valid or invalid.
Some components include useful parsing logic.
For example, InputDate&lt;TValue&gt; and InputNumber&lt;TValue&gt; Correctly handle unparsed values by registering unparsed values as validation errors.
Types that can accept NULL values also support nullability of the target field (for example, int? for a nullable integer).