--- sidebar_position: 4 title: Creation of the project --- ## Requirements ### Gitea repository On Code#0, create a new repository for your project. Clone this repository on your machine, this repository are used to save your next project on gitea. ### `.gitignore` A special `.gitignore` is required for .Net projects. Don't panic a multiple website give us the good file. Example: https://www.toptal.com/developers/gitignore/api/dotnetcore,visualstudio,visualstudiocode Copy the content of the web page in the file `.gitignore` at the root directory of the repository. ## Create a new Blazor site Open Visual Studio and select `Create a new Project` ![Create a new Blazor site](/img/creation-projet/creation-projet-01.png) Search in the list of `Blazor Server` templates, select the project type and click `Next`. ![Create a new Blazor site](/img/creation-projet/creation-projet-02.png) Fill in the information as well as the location of your project and click on `Next`. ![Create a new Blazor site](/img/creation-projet/creation-projet-03.png) Leave the default options and click on `Create`. ![Create a new Blazor site](/img/creation-projet/creation-projet-04.png) Congratulations, your site is now available.