{ "publishers": [ "Collins" ], "identifiers": { "goodreads": [ "1101290" ], "librarything": [ "68418" ] }, "subtitle": "Xerox PARC and the Dawn of the Computer Age", "weight": "13.9 ounces", "covers": [ 684348 ], "physical_format": "Paperback", "key": "/books/OL8198056M", "authors": [ { "key": "/authors/OL239209A" } ], "subjects": [ "Industries - General", "Research", "Corporate & Business History - General", "California", "Business & Economics", "Business / Economics / Finance", "Palo Alto Research Center", "Business/Economics", "Palo Alto", "History", "Computer Industry", "Business & Economics / Industries", "Xerox Corporation.", "Computer Science" ], "languages": [ { "key": "/languages/eng" } ], "first_sentence": { "type": "/type/text", "value": "The photograph shows a handsome man in a checked sport shirt, his boyish face half-obscured by a cloud of pipe smoke." }, "title": "Dealers of Lightning", "number_of_pages": 448, "isbn_13": [ "9780887309892" ], "isbn_10": [ "0887309895" ], "publish_date": "April 4, 2000", "works": [ { "key": "/works/OL1987733W" } ], "type": { "key": "/type/edition" }, "physical_dimensions": "8.1 x 5.3 x 1.2 inches", "source_records": [ "bwb:9780887309892" ], "latest_revision": 7, "revision": 7, "created": { "type": "/type/datetime", "value": "2008-04-29T15:03:11.581851" }, "last_modified": { "type": "/type/datetime", "value": "2021-12-27T03:34:56.026678" } }