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import XCTest
@testable import Model
final class FourInARowRulesTests: XCTestCase {
private var rules: FourInARowRules!
private var board: Board!
override func setUpWithError() throws {
try super.setUpWithError()
guard let rules = FourInARowRules(columns: 3, rows: 3, minAligned: 3) else {
self.rules = rules
self.board = self.rules.createBoard()
func testEmptyHistory() {
func testBoardIsValid() {
XCTAssertTrue(self.rules.isValid(board: self.board))
func testState() {
XCTAssertEqual(self.rules.state, GameState.Playing(turn: .A))
func testMovesAreValid() {
for move in self.rules.validMoves(board: self.board) {
rules.state = .Playing(turn: move.player)
XCTAssertTrue(self.rules.isValid(board: board, move: move), "\(move)")
func testMovesOfPlayerAreValid() throws {
for player in PieceType.allCases {
try self.setUpWithError()
try self._testMovesOfPlayerAreValid(player: player)
try self.tearDownWithError()
private func _testMovesOfPlayerAreValid(player: PieceType) throws {
for action in self.rules.validMoves(board: self.board, for_player: player) {
rules.state = .Playing(turn: player)
XCTAssertTrue(self.rules.isValid(board: board, move: Move(player: player, action: action)), "\(action)")
func testOnMoveDone() {
let coord = Coords(1, board.rows - 1)
board[coord] = Piece(type: .A)
let move = Move(player: .A, action: .InsertOnSide(side: .Top, offset: 1))
self.rules.onMoveDone(move: move, board: self.board)
XCTAssertEqual(self.rules.state, GameState.Playing(turn: .B))
XCTAssertEqual(self.rules.history.last, move)
func testOnMoveDoneDraw() {
board[0, 0] = Piece(type: .A)
board[1, 0] = Piece(type: .A)
board[2, 0] = Piece(type: .B)
board[0, 1] = Piece(type: .B)
board[1, 1] = Piece(type: .B)
board[2, 1] = Piece(type: .A)
board[0, 2] = Piece(type: .A)
board[1, 2] = Piece(type: .A)
board[2, 2] = Piece(type: .B)
XCTAssertTrue(rules.isValid(board: board))
let move = Move(player: .B, action: .InsertOnSide(side: .Top, offset: 2))
self.rules.onMoveDone(move: move, board: board)
XCTAssertEqual(rules.state, GameState.Finished(winner: nil))
func testOnMoveDoneWin() {
board[0, 0] = Piece(type: .A)
board[1, 0] = Piece(type: .A)
board[2, 0] = Piece(type: .A) //
board[0, 1] = Piece(type: .B)
board[1, 1] = Piece(type: .B)
board[2, 1] = Piece(type: .A)
board[0, 2] = Piece(type: .A)
board[1, 2] = Piece(type: .A)
board[2, 2] = Piece(type: .B)
XCTAssertTrue(rules.isValid(board: board))
let move = Move(player: .A, action: .InsertOnSide(side: .Top, offset: 2))
self.rules.onMoveDone(move: move, board: board)
XCTAssertEqual(rules.state, GameState.Finished(winner: .A))
func testCountMaxRow() throws {
for (coords, expected) in [
(Coords(1, 0), 3),
(Coords(0, 1), 2),
(Coords(0, 2), 2),
(Coords(1, 1), 3),
(Coords(2, 2), 3),
(Coords(2, 1), 2),
] {
try self.setUpWithError()
// AAA
// BAB
// BBA
board[0, 0] = Piece(type: .A)
board[1, 0] = Piece(type: .A)
board[2, 0] = Piece(type: .A)
board[0, 1] = Piece(type: .B)
board[1, 1] = Piece(type: .A)
board[2, 1] = Piece(type: .B)
board[0, 2] = Piece(type: .B)
board[1, 2] = Piece(type: .B)
board[2, 2] = Piece(type: .A)
self._testCountMaxRow(coords: coords, expected: expected)
try self.tearDownWithError()
private func _testCountMaxRow(coords: Coords, expected: Int) {
XCTAssertEqual(FourInARowRules.countMaxRow(center: coords, board: board), expected, "\(coords)")