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using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using System;
namespace ex_042_011_SinglePropertyNavigation_FluentAPI
class NounoursDBEntitiesWithStub : NounoursDBEntities
protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
var info1 = new Information { InformationId = 1, MadeBy = "George Lucas", MadeIn = "Kashyyyk" };
var info2 = new Information { InformationId = 2, MadeBy = "George Lucas", MadeIn = "Dagobah" };
var info3 = new Information { InformationId = 3, MadeBy = "George Lucas", MadeIn = "Lune forestière d'Endor" };
modelBuilder.Entity<Information>().HasData(info1, info2, info3);
new { UniqueId = Guid.Parse("{4422C524-B2CB-43EF-8263-990C3CEA7CAE}"), Nom = "Chewbacca", DateDeNaissance = new DateTime(1977, 5, 27), NbPoils = 1234567, InformationId = 1 },
new { UniqueId = Guid.Parse("{A4F84D92-C20F-4F2D-B3F9-CA00EF556E72}"), Nom = "Yoda", DateDeNaissance = new DateTime(1980, 5, 21), NbPoils = 3, InformationId = 2 },
new { UniqueId = Guid.Parse("{AE5FE535-F041-445E-B570-28B75BC78CB9}"), Nom = "Ewok", DateDeNaissance = new DateTime(1983, 5, 25), NbPoils = 3456789, InformationId = 3 }