💻 Code samples about C# .NET
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Marc CHEVALDONNE 88ac908fc7
end of .NET5.0 update
2 years ago
CM_sur_events updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
HtmlDecode updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_003_001_Main end of .NET5.0 update 2 years ago
ex_003_002_Main_HelloWorld updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_003_003_Main_arguments updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_003_004_Console updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_004_001_TypesNumeriques updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_004_002_Math updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_004_003_Random updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_004_004_TypeBool updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_004_005_TypeChar updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_004_006_TimeSpan_et_DateTime updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_004_007_DureeDeVie updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_004_008_var updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_004_009_Tuple updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_004_010_GuidStruct updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_005_001_tableaux updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_005_002_copie_de_tableaux updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_005_003_tableaux_multiDimensions updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_006_001_string updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_006_002_StringBuilder updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_007_001_enum updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_008_001_if_else updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_008_002_switch updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_008_003_ternary_operator updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_008_004_null_operators updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_008_005_pattern_matching updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_009_001_bouclesIteratives updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_010_001_methodParametersAndModifiers updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_010_002_optionalParameters updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_010_003_interets_des_optionalparameters updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_012_001_nullableTypes updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_013_001_FormattingParsingNumEtBool end of .NET5.0 update 2 years ago
ex_013_002_FormattingParsingDateTime updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_014_001_namespace_et_nomDUneClasse updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_014_002_typesImbriques updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_014_003_ClasseChampInitialiseurs updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_014_004_constructeurs updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_014_005_methodes updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_014_006_object_ToString updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_014_007_expression_bodied_methods updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_014_008_deconstruction updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_015_001_static updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_015_002_ordreAppelStatic updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_015_003_singleton updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_015_004_using_static updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_016_001_getters_setters_methods updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_016_002_properties updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_016_003_indexers updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_016_004_readonly update some projects nugets 3 years ago
ex_016_005_partial updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_016_006_local_functions updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_017_001_heritage_syntaxe updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_017_002_redefinitionDeMethodes updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_017_003_initialiseurs_constructeurs updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_017_004_casting updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_018_001_polymorphisme updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_018_002_abstract updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_019_001_interfaces updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_020_001_structures updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_021_001_patternComposite updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_021_002_patternStrategy updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_022_001_Generics_def_du_pb updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_022_002_Generics_EtPourquoiPasObject updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_022_003_Generics_syntaxe updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_022_004_Generics_default updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_022_005_Generics_constraints updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_022_006_Generics_constraints2 updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_022_007_Generics_subclassing updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_022_008_CovarianceClasses updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_022_009_CovarianceInterfaces updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_023_001_IEnumerator_ex1 end of .NET5.0 update 2 years ago
ex_023_002_IEnumerator_ex2 updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_023_003_IEnumerator_ex3 updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_023_004_ArrayClass updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_023_005_Queue updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_023_006_Stack updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_023_007_LinkedList updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_023_008_List updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_023_009_HashSet_and_SortedSet updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_023_010_EqualityProtocoleOnReferences updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_023_011_EqualityProtocoleOnValues updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_023_012_EqualityComparer updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_023_013_OrderComparisonProtocole updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_023_014_Dictionary updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_023_015_DictionaryCustomType updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_023_016_ReadOnlyCollection updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_023_017_Deep_Read_only_collections_dll begun .netCore 3.0 migration 5 years ago
ex_023_017_Deep_Read_only_collections_exe updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_023_018_ReadOnlyDictionaries updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_023_019_ReadOnlyDictionary_and_values_dll begun .netCore 3.0 migration 5 years ago
ex_023_019_ReadOnlyDictionary_and_values_exe updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_024_001_exceptions_Contexte updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_024_002_parse updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_024_003_exceptions updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_024_004_propagation_exceptions updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_024_005_exceptions_personnalisees updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_025_001_DebugTrace updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_028_001_intro_avec_interfaces updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_028_002_intro_avec_delegate updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_028_003_interface_as_parameter updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_028_004_delegate_as_parameter updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_028_005_nested_delegate updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_028_006_Strategy_et_interface updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_028_007_delegate_versus_Strategy updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_028_008_multicast_et_interfaces updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_028_009_multicast_delegate updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_028_010_multicast_delegate_return_value updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_028_011_Broadcaster_Subscriber updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_028_012_delegate_Broadcaster_Subscriber updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_028_013_Predicate updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_028_014_Func updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_028_015_Action updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_029_001_event_Broadcaster_Subscriber updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_029_002_event_standard_pattern updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_030_001_anonymousMethods updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_030_002_lambdaExpressions updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_030_003_lambdaExpressions updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_031_001_decouverteDeLINQ updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_031_002_extensionMethods updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_031_003_anonymousTypes updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_031_004_LINQ_intro updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_031_005_LINQ_deferredExecution updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_031_005_LINQ_operators Updated .NET Core samples from .NET CORE 1.0 to .NET CORE 2.2 5 years ago
ex_031_006_LINQ_filtering updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_031_007_LINQ_ordering updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_031_008_LINQ_projecting updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_031_009_LINQ_element_operators updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_031_010_LINQ_aggregation_methods updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_031_011_LINQ_grouping updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_031_012_LINQ_joining updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_031_013_LINQ_set_operators updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_031_014_LINQ_quantifiers updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_031_015_LINQ_generation_methods updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_031_016_LINQ_conversion_methods updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_036_001_Reflection end of .NET5.0 update 2 years ago
ex_037_001_File_and_Directory_management updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_037_002_FileStream updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_037_003_TextReader_TextWriter updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_037_004_BinaryReader_BinaryWriter updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_037_005_XmlReader_XmlWriter updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_038_001_DataContractSerializer_bases updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_038_002_DataContract_subclassing updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_038_003_DataContract_ObjectReferences updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_038_004_DataContract_Collections updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_038_005_DataContract_Hooks updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_038_006_Binary_Serializable updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_038_007_XmlSerializer updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_038_008_IXmlSerializable updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_039_001_XDOM_bases updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_039_002_LINQ_to_XML updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_040_001_LINQ_to_Json updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_042_010_EF_CF_Many_to_Many updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_042_011_EF_CF_Many_to_Many_FluentAPI end of .NET5.0 update 2 years ago
ex_042_012_EF_CF_Dictionary updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_042_012_EF_CF_Many_to_Many_procurators updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_042_013_EF_CF_TPT_Inheritance updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_042_014_EF_CF_TPH_Inheritance updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_042_015_EF_CF_TPC_Inheritance updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_042_016_EF_current_original_database_val updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_042_017_EF_concurrency_problematic updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_042_018_EF_concurrency_databaseWins updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_042_019_EF_concurrency_clientWins updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_042_020_EF_concurrency_customDbProp updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_042_021_EF_concurrency_customObjects updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_050_001_CreatingAThread updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_050_002_attendre_un_thread updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_050_003_Variables_locales_et_partagées_entre_threads updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_050_004_cadenas_et_sécurité updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_050_005_passage_de_paramètre updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_050_006_gestion_des_exceptions updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_050_007_Foreground_vs_Background updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_050_008_Priorité updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_050_009_signalisation updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_050_010_Threading_en_UWP end of .NET5.0 update 2 years ago
ex_050_011_ThreadPool updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_051_001_Démarrer_une_tâche updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_051_002_valeur_de_retour updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_051_003_gestion_exceptions end of .NET5.0 update 2 years ago
ex_051_004_poursuite_continuations updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_051_005_TaskCompletionSource updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_051_006_TaskDelay updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_052_001_problématique updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_052_002_problématique_2 updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_052_003_problématique_3 updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_052_004_problématique_4 updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_052_005_problématique_5 updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
ex_052_006_problématique_6_UWP updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
p08_BDD_EntityFramework end of .NET5.0 update 2 years ago
.gitignore Update .gitignore 3 years ago
.gitlab-ci.yml Merge branch 'EFCore3_Reforged' 2 years ago
Exemples.sln end of .NET5.0 update 2 years ago
Exemples_coreOnly.sln updated to .net5.0 2 years ago
README.md Update README.md 5 years ago
chap038_Sérialisation.txt samples of .NET framework 5 years ago