You can not select more than 25 topics
Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
416 lines
14 KiB
416 lines
14 KiB
% scale
% font
% margin
% header
% timelline
% miain
% event
% sidebar
% column
% color
\definecolor{cvcolor}{RGB}{20, 20, 20}
\definecolor{cviconcolor}{RGB}{255, 255, 255}
\definecolor{cvbordercolor}{RGB}{255, 255, 255}
\definecolor{cvavatarbordercolor}{RGB}{255, 255, 255}
\definecolor{cvtimelinecolor}{RGB}{0, 0, 0}
\definecolor{cvlightcolor}{RGB}{245, 245, 245}
% rescale
\geometry{top=\cvtopmargin mm, bottom=\cvbottommargin mm, left=\cvleftmargin mm, right=\cvrightmargin mm}
\setlist[itemize]{noitemsep, nolistsep, leftmargin=*}
\setlength{\columnsep}{\cvspacebetweencolumns mm}
\DeclareFontShape{U}{fontawesomeOne}{m}{n}{<-> FontAwesome--fontawesomeone}{}
\WarningsOff[everypage] % disable warning about problems with background package
\SetBgContents{\rule{\cvtimelinewidth mm}{\textheight}}
\SetBgHshift{\dimexpr(\cvtimelineoffset mm - 105 mm)}
\newcommand{\timelinespace}{\the\numexpr\cvleftmargin - \cvtimelineoffset\relax}
% Convert RGB to decode array.
% Parameter 1: RGB color.
% Parameter 2: Variable to which the array will be assigned.
\ParseValue\space 1%
% Draw a circle with the image inside.
% Parameter 1 (optional): Path to image resource.
% Parameter 2 (optional): Image scale.
% Parameter 3 (optional): Image color in RGB.
% Parameter 4: Circle radius in millimeters.
% Parameter 5: Circle border width in millimeters.
% Parameter 6: Circle background color in RGB.
% Parameter 7: Circle border color in RGB.
\NewDocumentCommand{\drawcircle}{O{} O{1} O{} m m m m}{%
draw=#7, fill=#6, line width=#5mm,%
path picture={%
\node at (path picture bounding{%
] (0,0) circle (\dimexpr#4mm-#5mm/2\relax);%
% Main CV function that prepares the entire layout.
% Parameter 1 (optional): Path to avatar resource.
% Parameter 2 (optional): Avatar scale.
% Parameter 3 (optional): Avatar color in RGB.
% Parameter 4: Name.
% Parameter 5: Description.
\NewDocumentEnvironment{cv}{O{} O{2} O{} m m m}{%
\vspace*{\cvheadermargin mm}%
\vspace*{-\cvtopmargin mm}%
\hspace{-\timelinespace mm}%
\hspace{-\cvavatarradius mm}%
\begin{minipage}{\dimexpr(\cvavatarradius mm + \cvavatarradius mm)}%
\hspace{\cvheaderoffset mm}%
\begin{minipage}{\dimexpr(\linewidth + \timelinespace mm - \cvavatarradius mm - \cvheaderoffset mm)}%
#6% Affichage du texte du 6ème paramètre
% Groups events, items and skills inside one block.
% Parameter 1 (optional): Path to icon resource.
% Parameter 2 (optional): Icon scale.
% Parameter 3 (optional): Icon color in RGB.
% Parameter 4: Section title.
\NewDocumentCommand{\cvsection}{O{} O{1} O{cviconcolor} m}{%
\vspace{\cvsidebarspace mm}%
\hspace{-\cvsidebarbubbleradius mm}%
\begin{minipage}{\dimexpr(\cvsidebarbubbleradius mm + \cvsidebarbubbleradius mm)}%
\hspace{\cvsidebaroffset mm}%
\begin{minipage}{\dimexpr(\linewidth - \cvsidebarbubbleradius mm - \cvsidebaroffset mm)}%
\vspace{\cvmainspace mm}%
\hspace{-\timelinespace mm}%
\hspace{-\cvmainbubbleradius mm}%
\begin{minipage}{\dimexpr(\cvmainbubbleradius mm + \cvmainbubbleradius mm)}%
\hspace{\dimexpr(\timelinespace mm - \cvmainbubbleradius mm)}%
% Contains information about the event.
% Parameter 1 (optional): Start date of the event.
% Parameter 2 (optional): End date of the event.
% Parameter 3: Content.
\NewDocumentEnvironment{cvevent}{O{} O{} +b}{%
\hspace{-\cveventbubbleradius mm}%
\hspace{-\timelinespace mm}%
\begin{minipage}[t]{\cveventdatewidth mm}%
\begin{minipage}{\dimexpr(\cveventbubbleradius mm + \cveventbubbleradius mm)}%
\hspace{\dimexpr(\timelinespace mm - \cveventbubbleradius mm)}%
\begin{minipage}[t]{\dimexpr(\linewidth - \cveventdatewidth mm)}%
\PackageError{\packagename}{The cvevent can be used only in the sidebar column}{}%
% Vertical space between paragraphs.
% Parameter 1 (optional): Space size in millimeters.
\NewDocumentCommand{\cvseparator}{O{1}}{\vspace{#1\dimexpr\cvseparatorscale mm\relax}\par}
% The title of the event header.
% Parameter 1: Event title.
% The description of the event header.
% Parameter 1: Event description.
% Switches the main column to the sidebar.
{The cvsidebar can be used only once}{}%
% List item with a label.
% Parameter 1 (optional): Icon name from fontawesome package.
% Parameter 2 (optional): Icon size in milimeters.
% Parameter 3: Content.
\NewDocumentEnvironment{cvitem}{O{Circle} O{2.5} +b}{%
\makebox(0, 0){\textcolor{cvcolor}
{\cvscale\dimexpr#2mm\relax}\csname fa#1\endcsname}}%
\hspace{\cvsidebaroffset mm}%
{\dimexpr(\linewidth - \cvsidebaroffset mm - \cvscale\dimexpr#2mm\relax)}%
{The cvitem can be used only in the main content column}{}%
% List item with an icon and text aligned to the right of the picture.
% Parameter 1 (optional): Icon name from fontawesome package.
% Parameter 2 (optional): Text content.
\NewDocumentEnvironment{qright}{O{Circle} O{}}{%
\makebox(0, 0){\textcolor{cvcolor}
{\csname fa#1\endcsname}}}%
\textscale{\cvnamefontscale}{#2} %
{The qright environment can be used only in the main content column}{}%
\par %
% List item with an icon and text aligned to the right of the picture.
% Parameter 1 (optional): Icon name from fontawesome package.
% Parameter 2 (optional): Text content.
\NewDocumentEnvironment{qrleft}{O{Circle} O{}}{%
\textscale{\cvnamefontscale}{#2} % Apply the font scale of cvent
\makebox(0, 0){\textcolor{cvcolor}
{\csname fa#1\endcsname}}}%
{The qrleft environment can be used only in the main content column}{}%
\par %
% Renders a progress-bar to indicate a certain skill in percent.
% Parameter 1: Name of skill.
% Parameter 2: Skill level.
% Parameter 3: Percent of the progress-bar in range [0, 1].
\textcolor{black}{\textbf{#1}} & \textcolor{cvcolor}{#2}%
\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=1,rounded corners=\cvscale*0.5mm,very thin]%
\fill [cvlightcolor] (0,0) rectangle (\linewidth, 0.15*\cvscale);%
\fill [cvcolor] (0,0) rectangle (#3\linewidth, 0.15*\cvscale);%
{The cvskill can only be used in the main content}{}%
} |