@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ VALUES
('The Catcher in the Rye', '1951-07-16'),
('The Catcher in the Rye', '1951-07-16'),
('Moby Dick', '1851-10-18'),
('Moby Dick', '1851-10-18'),
('War and Peace', '1869-01-01'),
('War and Peace', '1869-01-01'),
('The Odyssey', 'circa 8th century BC'),
('The Odyssey', '1320-01-01'),
('The Divine Comedy', '1320-01-01'),
('The Divine Comedy', '1320-01-01'),
('The Brothers Karamazov', '1880-11-01');
('The Brothers Karamazov', '1880-11-01');
@ -123,45 +123,47 @@ VALUES
INSERT INTO Quote (content, likes, langue, isValide, reason, id_caracter, id_source, id_user_verif)
INSERT INTO Quote (id_quote, content, likes, langue, isValide, reason, id_caracter, id_source, id_user_verif)
('Not all those who wander are lost.', 10, 'en', true, 'Inspirational quote', 1, 1, 'U001'),
('Q001', 'Not all those who wander are lost.', 10, 'en', true, 'Inspirational quote', 1, 1, 'U001'),
('To be, or not to be, that is the question.', 15, 'en', true, 'Famous Shakespeare quote', 2, 2, 'U002'),
('Q002', 'To be, or not to be, that is the question.', 15, 'en', true, 'Famous Shakespeare quote', 2, 2, 'U002'),
('C est la vie.', 5, 'fr', false, 'Incomplete context', 3, 3, 'U003'),
('Q003', 'C est la vie.', 5, 'fr', false, 'Incomplete context', 3, 3, 'U003'),
('All you need is love.', 20, 'en', true, 'Beatles quote', 4, 4, 'U004'),
('Q004', 'All you need is love.', 20, 'en', true, 'Beatles quote', 4, 4, 'U004'),
('La vie est un défi, relève-le!', 8, 'fr', true, 'Motivational quote', 5, 5, 'U005'),
('Q005', 'La vie est un défi, relève-le!', 8, 'fr', true, 'Motivational quote', 5, 5, 'U005'),
('To infinity and beyond!', 12, 'en', true, 'Toy Story quote', 6, 6, 'U006'),
('Q006', 'To infinity and beyond!', 12, 'en', true, 'Toy Story quote', 6, 6, 'U006'),
('Veni, vidi, vici.', 18, 'fr', false, 'Historical reference', 7, 7, 'U007'),
('Q007', 'Veni, vidi, vici.', 18, 'fr', false, 'Historical reference', 7, 7, 'U007'),
('The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.', 25, 'en', true, 'Franklin D. Roosevelt', 8, 8, 'U008'),
('Q008', 'The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.', 25, 'en', true, 'Franklin D. Roosevelt', 8, 8, 'U008'),
('L imagination est plus importante que la connaissance.', 30, 'fr', true, 'Einstein quote', 9, 9, 'U009'),
('Q009', 'L imagination est plus importante que la connaissance.', 30, 'fr', true, 'Einstein quote', 9, 9, 'U009'),
('In three words I can sum up everything I ve learned about life: it goes on.', 22, 'en', true, 'Robert Frost', 10, 10, 'U010');
('Q010', 'In three words I can sum up everything I ve learned about life: it goes on.', 22, 'en', true, 'Robert Frost', 10, 10, 'U010');
INSERT INTO Favorite (users, quote)
INSERT INTO Favorite (users, quote)
('U001', 1),
('U001', 'Q001'), -- User U001 favorites Quote Q001
('U002', 2),
('U002', 'Q002'), -- User U002 favorites Quote Q002
('U003', 3),
('U003', 'Q003'), -- User U003 favorites Quote Q003
('U001', 4),
('U001', 'Q004'), -- User U001 also favorites Quote Q004
('U004', 1),
('U004', 'Q001'), -- User U004 favorites Quote Q001
('U005', 5),
('U005', 'Q005'), -- User U005 favorites Quote Q005
('U003', 2),
('U006', 'Q002'), -- User U006 favorites Quote Q002
('U007', 7),
('U007', 'Q007'), -- User U007 favorites Quote Q007
('U008', 8),
('U008', 'Q008'), -- User U008 favorites Quote Q008
('U002', 9);
('U009', 'Q009'); -- User U009 favorites Quote Q009
INSERT INTO Commentary (quote, users, dateC, comment)
INSERT INTO Commentary (id_comment, quote, users, dateC, comment)
(1, 'U001', '2024-10-01', 'This quote really resonates with me.'),
('C00001', 'Q001', 'U001', '2024-10-01', 'This quote really resonates with me.'),
(2, 'U002', '2024-10-02', 'A timeless piece of wisdom.'),
('C00002', 'Q002', 'U002', '2024-10-02', 'A timeless piece of wisdom.'),
(3, 'U003', '2024-10-03', 'I disagree with this viewpoint.'),
('C00003', 'Q003', 'U003', '2024-10-03', 'I disagree with this viewpoint.'),
(4, 'U001', '2024-10-04', 'Absolutely love this quote!'),
('C00004', 'Q004', 'U001', '2024-10-04', 'Absolutely love this quote!'),
(5, 'U004', '2024-10-05', 'Very motivational, thanks for sharing!'),
('C00005', 'Q005', 'U004', '2024-10-05', 'Very motivational, thanks for sharing!'),
(6, 'U005', '2024-10-06', 'This makes me reflect on life.'),
('C00006', 'Q006', 'U005', '2024-10-06', 'This makes me reflect on life.'),
(7, 'U006', '2024-10-07', 'I find this quote very inspiring.'),
('C00007', 'Q007', 'U006', '2024-10-07', 'I find this quote very inspiring.'),
(8, 'U007', '2024-10-08', 'I think there’s more to this than meets the eye.'),
('C00008', 'Q008', 'U007', '2024-10-08', 'I think there’s more to this than meets the eye.'),
(9, 'U008', '2024-10-09', 'Such a powerful statement!'),
('C00009', 'Q009', 'U008', '2024-10-09', 'Such a powerful statement!'),
(10, 'U009', '2024-10-10', 'This is one of my favorites!');
('C00010', 'Q010', 'U009', '2024-10-10', 'This is one of my favorites!');