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Alexis Drai 9296511dc2
♻️ 🖖 Fix #25: Refactor using the MVVM Community Toolkit (#28)
1 year ago
Documentation Implement CRUD on Skills through Champions (#17) 1 year ago
Sources ♻️ 🖖 Fix #25: Refactor using the MVVM Community Toolkit (#28) 1 year ago
.drone.yml 🎉 énoncé et modèle 1 year ago
.gitignore 🙈 added .gitignore 1 year ago
README.md ♻️ 🖖 Fix #25: Refactor using the MVVM Community Toolkit (#28) 1 year ago



Instructions (FR)

Réaliser une application MAUI avec un MVVM "maison". Je vous fournis le modèle, et peut-être quelques vues au fur et à mesure.

J'attends de vous :

  • la réalisation d'un toolkit MVVM (bibliothèque de classes),
  • le wrapping des classes du modèle par des VM (à chaque fois que c'est nécessaire),
  • l'utilisation de commandes pour les différentes fonctionnalités,
  • l'utilisation d'une VM applicative (navigation, index, sélection...).

Faites ce que vous pouvez avec, dans l'ordre :

  • l'affichage de la collection de Champions. La possibilité de naviguer de n en n champions (5 champions par page, ou 10, etc.) et la pagination doivent être gérées.
  • Permettez la sélection d'un champion pour le voir dans une page (on n'utilisera que ses propriétés simples (Name, Bio, Icon) puis LargeImage).
  • Ajoutez la gestion des caractéristiques (Characteristics).
  • Ajoutez la gestion de la classe du champion.
  • Permettez la modification d'un champion existant (depuis la page du champion, et depuis un swipe sur l'item sélectionné dans la collection).
  • Permettez l'ajout d'un nouveau champion.
  • Ajoutez la gestion des skills.
  • Ajoutez la gestion des skins.

MVVM Toolkit

This MVVM app was first made "by hand", which involved a lot of fine-grained control over every property and command, and also involved a lot of boilerplate, repeated code. That first version can still be manually tested if you check out the by-hand branch.

Afterward, this app was refactored using .NET's MVVM Community Toolkit. That involved deleting a lot of boilerplate code, using annotations and partial classes instead, and still retaining quite enough control over how properties were set, etc. This new version can be tested on the main branch.

Note that, if you switch branches in Visual Studio, you may need to open and close Visual Studio before the project can be built.


Delete from detail page

The instructions did not mention adding a Delete button in detail pages, but it was useful when testing the app directly on Windows -- i.e. with no touch functionality or swipe gestures.

Navigating to detail page

Users can click / tap a champion's Icon to navigate to their detail page. The entire list item is not clickable -- it makes navigating to a champion's detail page a little harder, but it allows us to implement swiping on said list item, in order to reveal Updateand Delete buttons.

Before we made this compromise, swiping was conflicting with tapping, and it was quite difficult to access those buttons.


Upon updating a skill or a characteristic, Android seems to auto-focus the element closest to the top of the visible Scrollview. That includes opening the user's keyboard or numpad...


ChampionFormVM serves to encapsulate a ChampionVM while making it partially editable, for purposes of adding one to our DataManager or updating one. That is achieved by exposing commands with ChampionFormVM, that can then delegate to methods of ChampionVM.

ChampionFormVM initially came to be as a workaround for exposing the values in the Model Enums known as SkillType and ChampionClass.

We acknowledge that creating VMs for these Enums, and coding an EditableChampionVM class that inherits from ChampionVM and makes its properties settable, would probably have been a better approach.


class ChampionFormVM {
    +ICommand AddCharacteristicCommand
    +ICommand UpdateCharacteristicCommand
    +ICommand DeleteCharacteristicCommand
    +ICommand UpsertIconCommand
    +ICommand UpsertImageCommand
    +ICommand AddSkillCommand
    +ICommand UpdateSkillCommand
    +ICommand DeleteSkillCommand
    +ReadOnlyCollection AllClasses
    +ReadOnlyCollection AllSkillTypes

class ChampionVM {
    +ChampionVM(clone: ChampionVM)

ChampionFormVM --> ChampionVM
ChampionFormVM --> "*" SkillType
ChampionFormVM --> "*" ChampionClass


The app is not meant to be pretty, but the hope is that it is usable, and that the navigation experience is pleasant. At the time of this writing, it looks like this:

Class diagrams: M, V, VM... AppVM

We're applying the MVVM architecture pattern in both common senses of the term:

  • an app-dependent VM takes care of navigation through commands,
  • and a model-dependent VM provides properties for binding, sends notifications when its properties change, and wraps the model.

class View
class View__AppVM
class ViewModel 
class Model

View ..> View__AppVM
View__AppVM ..> ViewModel
View ..> ViewModel
ViewModel ..> Model

Here is what our classes look like


class MainAppVM {
    +INavigation Navigation
    +ICommand NavToSelectChampionCommand
    +ICommand NavToAddChampionCommand
    +ICommand NavToUpdateChampionCommand
    +ICommand NavToAllChampionsAfterDeletingCommand
    +ICommand NavToAllChampionsAfterUpsertingCommand

class ChampionsMgrVM {
    +ICommand LoadChampionsCommand
    +ICommand InitializeCommand
    +ICommand NextPageCommand
    +ICommand PreviousPageCommand
    +ICommand UpsertChampionFormVMCommand
    +ICommand DeleteChampionCommand

class ChampionVM {
    +ChampionVM(clone: ChampionVM)

class ChampionFormVM {
    +ICommand AddCharacteristicCommand
    +ICommand UpdateCharacteristicCommand
    +ICommand DeleteCharacteristicCommand
    +ICommand UpsertIconCommand
    +ICommand UpsertImageCommand
    +ICommand AddSkillCommand
    +ICommand UpdateSkillCommand
    +ICommand DeleteSkillCommand
    +ReadOnlyCollection AllClasses
    +ReadOnlyCollection AllSkillTypes

class ChampionClass {

class SkillType {

ChampionPage --> MainAppVM
ChampionPage --> ChampionVM
ChampionFormPage --> MainAppVM
ChampionFormPage --> ChampionFormVM
ChampionsPage --> MainAppVM
MainAppVM --> ChampionsMgrVM

ChampionsMgrVM --> "*" ChampionVM
ChampionsMgrVM --> IDataManager
ChampionVM --> "*" SkillVM
ChampionVM --> Champion
SkillVM --> Skill
ChampionFormVM --> ChampionVM
ChampionFormVM --> "*" SkillType
ChampionFormVM --> "*" ChampionClass

IDataManager --> "*" Champion
Champion --> "*" Skill
Skill --> SkillType
Champion --> ChampionClass