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5 Creation of the form

Creation of the form

We will use the same form as the one on the Add.razor page, the only differences are:

  • The default value for the "Enchant categories" & "Repair with" lists so that they are checked when displaying the form.
  • Image display

Open the Pages/Edit.razor page and modify it as follows:

@page "/edit/{Id:int}"


<EditForm Model="@itemModel" OnValidSubmit="@HandleValidSubmit">
    <DataAnnotationsValidator />
    <ValidationSummary />

        <label for="display-name">
            Display name:
            <InputText id="display-name" @bind-Value="itemModel.DisplayName" />
        <label for="name">
            <InputText id="name" @bind-Value="itemModel.Name" />
        <label for="stack-size">
            Stack size:
            <InputNumber id="stack-size" @bind-Value="itemModel.StackSize" />
        <label for="max-durability">
            Max durability:
            <InputNumber id="max-durability" @bind-Value="itemModel.MaxDurability" />
        Enchant categories:
            @foreach (var item in enchantCategories)
                    <input type="checkbox" @onchange="@(e => OnEnchantCategoriesChange(item, e.Value))" checked="@(itemModel.EnchantCategories.Contains(item) ? "checked" : null)" />@item
        Repair with:
            @foreach (var item in repairWith)
                    <input type="checkbox" @onchange="@(e => OnRepairWithChange(item, e.Value))" checked="@(itemModel.RepairWith.Contains(item) ? "checked" : null)" />@item
            Current Item image:
            @if (File.Exists($"{WebHostEnvironment.WebRootPath}/images/{itemModel.Name}.png"))
                <img src="images/@(itemModel.Name).png" class="img-thumbnail" title="@itemModel.DisplayName" alt="@itemModel.DisplayName" style="max-width: 150px"/>
                <img src="images/default.png" class="img-thumbnail" title="@itemModel.DisplayName" alt="@itemModel.DisplayName" style="max-width: 150px"/>
            Item image:
            <InputFile OnChange="@LoadImage" accept=".png" />
            Accept Condition:
            <InputCheckbox @bind-Value="itemModel.AcceptCondition" />

    <button type="submit">Submit</button>